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Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Lassiring

2023-10-10 14:03:04
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Lassiring

The filler has excellent acid and heat resistance, can resist the corrosion of various inorganic acids, organic acids and organic solvents other than hydrofluoric acid, and can be used in various high and low occasions, and has a wide range of applications.

The Lassi ring is an artificial filler used in industry. Usually made of ceramic or metal sheet, its height and diameter are equal, the commonly used size is 25mm ~ 75mm. The wall thickness of the ceramic is 2.5mm~9.5mm, the metal ring is 0.8mm~1.6mm, and the wall of the ring should be thinned as much as possible when the strength permits. Although the mass transfer performance of the Lassi ring is not ideal, it is still used by some factories because of its simple structure, easy manufacturing and low price.

Main applications

It can be used in drying towers, absorption towers, scrubber towers, regeneration towers, etc. in chemical, metallurgy, coal gas oxygen production and other industries.



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